Dundee Design Festival

Dundee Design Festival

By Donna Wilson

At the end of September Donna and the London team headed up to Dundee Design Festival, Scotland’s national celebration of contemporary design, curated by Stacey Hunter. The festival is committed to being the world's most sustainable design festival, and featured original works and immersive installations by designers from a wide range of disciplines. 

Our installation - ‘The Wild Woolly Beastie of The Law’ - is a woolly wonderland featuring a tactile forest of knitted trees, mushrooms and flowers made from recycled knitted objects and fabrics. The forest is the home to a mysterious creature with an ever-growing rainbow mane of hair - The Beastie.   

Throughout the festival, design lovers and members of the public were invited to help knit the Beastie's hair into a never-ending scarf. People, young and old, could also create their very own miniature beasties using leftover materials, scraps and yarns from our production process. There was so much creativity in the air and we estimate that over 800 beasties were made in total, which is incredible!

It was really rewarding for us to see all the amazing and creations and we hope it inspires the next generation to make things with their hands. Thanks to everyone who took part - we loved meeting you!

Photo credit: Grant Anderson and Knit Shop